Coding for 4-7 year old kids - 12 week program

We genuinely believe that coding is one of the best ways to help young children develop problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. This program introduces them to basic coding concepts through fun and engaging activities.

After the 12 week program

Your child will develop algorithmic thinking skills in a playful way. Thanks to that they will:

How exactly do we help?

At the beginning of each week, you are given the plan for the learning session and the additional printable worksheets online. During the week, you and your child can work through the plan, which is not only educational but entertaining since it is full of exciting and creative ideas for play.

None of this means hunching over your computer. You would be surprised how almost anything you do in your daily life can be used as an example when explaining the concepts of computer programming to kids. The program contains offline activities and shared experiences which all contribute to your child acquiring the foundations of programming skills suitable for their age.

You will also have the chance to ask questions and share your experiences with us and other members of the program in a closed group.

Summer group

When do we start?

The 12-week program starts on 19 June.

All participants receive the first learning plan at the same time just like all the other materials later on. Naturally, everyone can move at their own pace in the ‘syllabus’, but we encourage you to move together with the group which is why we share the materials with you weekly.

Application deadline:

Early bird application deadline: 1 June, 10:30 PM

Standard application deadline: 16 June, 10:30 PM

What will we be ‘studying’?

During the 12 week you will be learning about algorithms together, but this word doesn’t even have to be mentioned to your child. You can learn a lot about them even without being familiar with the word. 🙂

This is what we will cover about algorithms…


Your child will learn that operations have a specific order within a sequence.

Breaking it down

They will acquire the skill to break down operations into smaller manageable steps, which is an important problem-solving skill in any field.

Blocks of operations

Once you have practised an operation with multiple steps, in the future you will be able to refer to it as a single step.


They will learn about conditions and be able to check if case ‘A’ or ‘B’ stands and choose operations accordingly.

More on branching

They will learn to make decisions depending on what has happened. There will be more possible cases (A, B, C, D… ect.) and unknown cases. (if… else…)


They will familiarise themselves with loops.


This is one of the most exciting bits of the programme which requires thinking in reverse. It is not about putting together the perfect thing but finding the mistake (bug).

Following algorithms

At this stage in the program, your child will be perfectly ready to follow algorithms.

Creating algorithms

At this point they will be programming for real.

ScratchJr programming language

It is a programming language specifically developed for 4-7 year olds. Using this your child will be able to do programming on a phone or tablet.

How will your child benefit from learning programming?

Through programming they learn to break down large, complex tasks into smaller, simpler, and more manageable steps. This leads to an above average competence in problem-solving.

They can identify and analyse problems more easily, come up with solutions and handle them systematically, and if needed, repeat the whole process until the perfect solution is found.

It might surprise you how creative of an activity programming actually is. They will have the chance to design something that is entirely their own. Writing codes is just like drawing, making music, or writing poetry: it has an infinite number of creative opportunities.

On top of that, coding kids can be inspired by all the websites, apps and video games they encounter. They understand how these systems work and so they can think about why the programmer might have chosen that specific solution.

A child who does coding learns that no one can do a perfect job at first and that the secret to good work is continuous testing and self-monitoring, and that consistent testing and correction leads to good results.

This experience makes them more confident and persistent because they see again and again how their methods work if they apply consistency.

Technology slowly but surely permeates all sectors, so whatever field our child chooses to do in the future, programming skills will always have their benefits.

In case the child falls in love with coding and becomes a programmer, they will likely not have any financial issues. It is not uncommon to earn very well working in IT and the need for trained professionals is ever-growing.


These three questions we hear most times:

Not in the way we picture a programmer hunching over their computer writing lines of codes. But this is not our goal either. We all use basic coding concepts on a regular basis in our everyday life without even thinking about it. 🙂

So what exactly does coding for kids look like? For the time being, they will learn the logic behind coding through playful exercises and experiences. Most of this takes place entirely offline during diverse sessions. They will draw, run around, do handicrafts, solve worksheets, make word snakes, etc. In the meantime, they pick up the basic coding concepts. You will see it for yourself once they start programming ‘robotic cars’.

Back to the original question, the latest research says kids from the age of 5 are ready to learn how to code, but even 4-year-olds can begin learning by playful exercises. All in all, we recommend our program for kids of 4-7 years.

No programming knowledge is needed, everything is clearly spelt out in the learning plans, what you are doing and why. Our special education teachers guarantee that young children understand the material, so it should pose no challenges for parents. 🙂

No, it’s not. We write the educational plans for you, not your kid. We use English in the worksheets, but you can translate it to your kid (most 4 and 5 year olds don’t even read, so you have to help them anyway)

Who is it for?


Who is it for?

Who it isn’t for?


As a participant of the summer group, you are gifted some extra materials:

Coding for Kids


Application Fee: 69$

EARLYBIRD Application Fee (until 1st June 22:30):


What will You get?



No risk

Teacher’s guarantee

Special education teachers with many years of experience took part in developing this program. They guarantee that activities are comprehensible and suitable to this age group.

Professional guarantee

A computer scientist and an IT teacher were responsible for appropriately structuring the materials.

Financial guarantee

Until 15 days after starting the program, you can ask for a 100% refund in case you are dissatisfied for any reason.

From previous groups


It was very special. The presentation of the individual topics was exciting even as an engineer.
Tommy's Dad
We LOVED it. Interesting, not too difficult tasks with a perfect amount of repeating. The children were totally into the worksheets.
Well structured! It was beyond expectations. We loved the last parts the most when we actually played with algorithms.